
When present Cosmos did not Exist Existed God Brahman Hinduism in all his Glory

In absence of universe (cosmos as we called it), nothing except God Almighty (Brahman in Hinduism) would have existed in cosmos. But that also was not possible. Why?   When dissolution of old cosmos (Pralaya in Hinduism) occurs, the whole cosmos reduces to size of half a thumb! In absence of dross impurities within, the cluster of pure souls’ atmans […]

Para Brahma Consciousness as we say is termed Brahman in Upanishads Independent Treatises

Para Brahma, consciousness as you say is termed Brahman in Upanishads (independent treatises). If an individual grain of sand is an independent soul atman, the whole mound God Almighty (Brahman). And we were primarily a soul atman, a spirit on its cosmic life cycle of 8.4 million manifestations that entailed an earthly journey of 96.4 million years.   Being the […]

Brahman God Almighty is the Sum Total of All Souls Atmans in Cosmos in their Pure Form

If an individual grain of sand is an independent soul atman… the whole mound Parmatman (God Almighty)… termed Brahman in Hinduism!   As we could never separate or identify the properties of both an individual grain and the whole mound… in principle, for explanation in scriptures… atman was equated to Brahman!   In reality, Brahman (God Almighty) is the sum […]

In Hinduism God is termed Brahman Sanatana Purusha Eternal Man Existing from Times Immemorial

In Hinduism God is termed Brahman, also Sanatana Purusha! The Word Purusha stands for man… the eternal man, one existing from times immemorial!   The deity existing from times immemorial, Sanatana Purusha was addressed as He, never a she for He, Sanatana Purusha represents God Almighty (Brahman) and She represents mother earth, the life supporting planet that facilitates manifestation of […]

The Greatest and the only God Creator of Entire Cosmos was Brahman in all its Glory

The greatest and the only God, creator of entire cosmos was Brahman in all its glory. The entire purpose of indulging in spirituality was reaching Brahman. The whole essence of Bhagavad Gita lay in the fact that we were truly a spiritual being manifesting human form. Indulging in spirituality, yoga meditation we finally realized our true inner self existing in […]

The Total Primordial Cosmic Energy from Beginning to End Always Remains the Same

The end as stated in Hinduism Scriptures is termed Pralaya in Hinduism (dissolution of entire cosmos). The cosmic energy contained in cosmos from beginning of life, from times immemorial always remained constant… could neither be created nor destroyed!   When dissolution of cosmos occurs, as detailed in Hinduism scriptures all souls’ atmans automatically reached 8.4 millionth manifestation, last in cosmic […]

It is not within Capacity of Human Beings to Judge Brahman the One and Only God

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita explicitly says creator of entire cosmos, God was one and only one… Brahman in Hinduism! Rest all were attributes of God Almighty including all gods and goddesses. Even Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, part of Hindu Trinity were attributes of Brahman.   To reach stage of enlightenment, our indulgence with Brahman was necessitated. […]

God Almighty Brahman Hinduism was not the Form of Human Beings

God Almighty, Brahman in Hinduism was not the form of human beings. It was magnanimous primordial cosmic energy size of half a thumb, collective power of all souls’ atmans in cosmos in their pure form.   The words religion evolved from the root word religare which means to bond. To keep the flock of like-minded individuals (human beings) bonded together… […]

From Where came Matter and Energy after Occurrence of Big Bang

It was beyond capacity of even enlightened ones to assess from where came matter and energy after occurrence of big bang! We all know it just came, everything just happens!   Travelers of spiritual path could understand to minutest detail how big bang occurred and also about dissolution of cosmos (Pralaya in Hinduism) but never about what happened in the […]

The Only God as per Rig Veda was Brahman the One and Only Creator of Entire Cosmos

It was neither Lord Shiva nor Lord Vishnu. The only God as per Rig Veda was Brahman, the one and only creator of entire cosmos. Both Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu were attributes of Brahman (God Almighty) having nothing to do with absolute reality. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says we must offer obeisance directly to Brahman and not the […]

God of Entire Cosmos was One called Brahman in Hinduism the Creator of Entire Cosmos

God of entire cosmos was one… called Brahman in Hinduism, the creator of entire cosmos!   Human beings become man God like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed after gaining enlightenment.   Hordes of gods and goddesses existing in different religions of world were only attributes of God, having nothing to do with absolute reality. Lord Krishna in […]

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita clearly Says all Worship Prayers Must be directly addressed to Brahman God and never its Attributes Hordes of Gods and Goddesses

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita clearly says… all worship, prayers must be directly addressed to Brahman (God Almighty) and never its attributes… hordes of gods and goddesses! He further says that all worship, prayers offered to different attributes of God Almighty in the end finally reached him.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 […]

Nirguna simply means a God without Attribute

Nirguna simply means a God without attribute! Hinduism scriptures say God Almighty was one and only one (Brahman in Hinduism), one without attributes… the one and only creator of entire cosmos. As mankind found it difficult to pray to Nirguna (attribute less), Nirakaar (having no form) form of God… most human beings world over indulged in Sakaar form of God […]

Hinduism strictly believes in Existence of Brahman God Almighty the One and only One

The Advaita doctrine propagated by Adi Sankara relates to non-dual concept of God Almighty. As per Adi Shankaracharya nothing other than God Almighty existed in system. Only when the unmanifest becomes manifest the whole cosmos gets created. Before manifestation, existed world of pure souls’ atmans, the collective power we called God Almighty in all its glory (Brahman in Hinduism), size […]

What is Brahman in Hinduism Bhagavad Gita Advaita philosophy Adi Sankara

Precepts of spirituality explained in scriptures of Hinduism could never be understood literally, they demand reading in between the lines. As detailed in Bhagavad Gita Brahman (God Almighty) was beyond any definition, detail or explanation. All explanations of Brahman were beyond comprehension of words. Simplicity is not the right word. It is following path of spirituality not simplicity human beings […]

Brahman God Almighty and Lord Krishna

We should be praying to Brahman (God Almighty) instead of Lord Srikrishna. But can we do that? For commoners, masses it was just not possible to conceptualize God Almighty (Brahman in Hinduism) in Nirakaar form (having no form). To solve this predicament various sages and saints of yesteryears evolved different forms of gods and goddesses so that mankind at large […]

What is Brahman Hindu Philosophy

The concept of Brahman (God Almighty) as detailed in Hindu philosophy stood for the absolute reality of life. As per scriptures of Hinduism nothing other than Brahman (God) existed in cosmos. Broken down to basic building block of cosmos, every single thing on mother earth, every single planet star was made up of clusters of atoms and molecules, nothing more. […]

Brahman Atman and Upanishads Hinduism

Brahman as detailed in Upanishads of Hinduism stood for God Almighty in all its glory. Upanishads clearly defined Brahman as the originator of present cosmos. As detailed in Upanishads, only when God Almighty exploded self with a big bang the present cosmos came into being. With the explosion of big bang, God Almighty himself (Brahman in Hinduism)… role of all […]