Nirvikalpa Samadhi

State of Absolute Thoughtlessness Stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi is Reached in the Later Stages of Spiritual Pursuit

State of absolute thoughtlessness, stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi is reached in the later stages of spiritual pursuit. It was almost the end of spiritual chapter when human beings gained enlightenment. The moment we succeed establishing absolute control over five senses and mind… we reached stage of absolute nothingness, the state we called Nirvikalpa Samadhi!   Before we succeed in establishing […]

The Highest Form of Meditation was reaching Stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi Stage of Absolute Nothingness when not a Single Thought entered our Brain Uninvoked

The highest form of meditation was reaching stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (stage of absolute nothingness) when not a single thought entered our brain uninvoked. After reaching this stage, there was nothing more to be achieved by a seeker, traveler of spiritual path.   One who reaches stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi finally gains enlightenment, moksha salvation!   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma […]

As Queries within us Reduced Gradually the Invocation of Thoughts also Reduced Proportionately

Indulgence in meditation leads to clarity of thoughts, invoking lesser thoughts directly proportional to our spiritual progress! As queries within us reduced gradually, the invocation of thoughts also reduced proportionately. At the end of spiritual journey, yoga meditation one finally reached stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (state of absolute nothingness) when not a single thought entered our brain uninvoked!   The […]

Swami Vivekananda intermittently reached Stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi Absolute Nothingness When not a Single Thought entered our Brain uninvoked

Path of spirituality was always indulged all alone. None in this world could ever describe experiences of spiritual path in totality. Everything was subtle, inherent… inexpressible… beyond capture of words!   Swami Vivekananda intermittently reached stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (absolute nothingness) when not a single thought entered our brain uninvoked. Having glimpses into domain of God Almighty was a daily […]

The Stage when We as Soul Could Watch entire Doings of Physical Manifest Self

Traveling path of spirituality, indulging in yoga meditation when human beings reached higher realms of spirituality… one could easily watch ones thoughts. This is the stage when we as a soul atman could watch the entire doings of the physical manifest self. You could also clearly see that as a soul atman we were totally distinct from the physical manifest […]

As we start Gaining Control over Five Senses intermittent Stages of Thoughtlessness can be Experienced at any Given Moment of Life

Seekers, travelers of spiritual path finally reached stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (State of absolute nothingness) when not a single thought entered our brain uninvoked. Before reaching this stage seekers often experienced intermittent stages of thoughtlessness. This became possible only in higher stages of spiritual realm.   Seekers subduing their ego in totality must reduce desires and wishes in stages. As […]