
We cannot Mix Spirituality with Physical Manifest Life

We cannot mix spirituality with physical manifest life! It cost Lala Lajpat Rai his life when Mahatma Gandhi mixed politics with religion. In the name of practice of nonviolence (ahimsa) he led British heap lathies on innocent Lala Lajpat Rai and other comrades resulting in their death.   For human beings to reach stage of enlightenment God Almighty ordained a […]

Spirituality not Religion the Field Indulging in which Human Beings Gained Enlightenment

Spirituality (not religion) is the field indulging in which human beings finally gained enlightenment in their lifetime. Spirituality demands our indulgence in sacred texts of different religions of world.   Nirvana moksha is the stage when an enlightened one left mortal frame forever.   Enlightenment is the end stage of cosmic life. Undertaking spiritual journey when seekers finally negated karma […]

Inner Peace Permanent Happiness can be Realized only by Indulgence in Path of Spirituality Detailed in Bhagavad Gita

Inner peace, permanent happiness can be realized only by indulgence in path of spirituality as detailed in Bhagavad Gita. Whoever gained enlightenment in the entire history of mankind… all did it through teachings of spirituality contained in Bhagavad Gita. The 700 shlokas verses contained in Bhagavad Gita contained truth about cosmic reality of life. For people in West to understand […]

Interest in Path of Spirituality develops Automatically Comes from Within

Interest in path of spirituality develops automatically, everything comes from within. None world over could be forced to travel path of spirituality.   When very young religious stories did rounds in our house! In the night before going to bed all children sat with elders to listen to mesmerizing stories about Indian culture, Hinduism… path of spirituality! Whenever the topic […]

On Path of Pure Spirituality no space for Indulgence in Substances Boosting Neuro System

Anything related to physical manifest world including intoxicants, psychedelics did not matter on path of pure spirituality. Journey of spirituality was always conducted through path of contemplation, logical reasoning… introspection. There was totally no space for indulgence in substances boosting neuro system. All such experiences were temporary often resulting in severe impairment.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man […]

The Initiative Zeal to travel Path of Spirituality the Tendency Always comes from Within

Human form, the highest manifest stage in cosmic life cycle was competent to decide for self our goal of life. Mahavira (24th Tirthankara of Jainism, preceptor) rightly said; do not preach unless you become an enlightened one. Why would we want to create a situation, an environment unless the other desired it from within! The initiative, zeal to travel path […]

Path of Religion Rituals easier to Travel than Spirituality that Demands Indulgence in Contemplation Introspection Logical Reasoning

Path of religion (rituals) was easier to travel, prime reason why people world over indulged in religion than spirituality. Path of spirituality directly leads to God Almighty, was difficult to travel. Spirituality demands our indulgence in contemplation, logical reasoning… introspection which most people world over found difficult to indulge. Going to temples, churches and mosques was easier.   We must […]

Every Individual Accomplishment not directed towards Spirituality was Meaningless a Waste

Yes, if we look at individual earthly manifestations, decorations… every achievement in this physical manifest world was overrated. Every individual accomplishment that was not directed towards spirituality was meaningless, a waste. But for people who worked for welfare of mankind all the time, even a small achievement was worth it.   If Sachin Tendulkar, a sports person could be awarded […]

The Most Important thing for Human Being on mother earth was Indulgence in Spirituality to Reach Stage of Enlightenment and finally Moksha Salvation

The most important thing for human being on mother earth was indulgence in spirituality to reach stage of enlightenment and finally moksha salvation… become a man god like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed in real life.   The moment death occurs; everything else is left behind including material riches. What transfers to next life was residual balance […]

The Roots of both How and Why lay in Spirituality that explained Fundamental Truths of Life

The roots of both how and why lay in spirituality that explained fundamental truths of life. For all practical purposes spirituality starts from the point where science ends. Both had totally independent functions. Spirituality explains why we live, our relationship with god and also how should we live to reach God in our lifetime. Every single fundamental aspect of life […]

Everything relating to Truth could be Known only via Path of Spirituality

Contemplate and you shall reach the answers yourself. What do we mean by cosmic truth, the ultimate truth of life? Adi Shankaracharya in his doctrine of Maya and Advaita Vedanta clearly says, other than God Almighty (Brahman) nothing existed in cosmos. To realize we were a soul atman, our absolute belief in world of souls’ atmans, God Almighty was necessitated. […]

Science and Spirituality Complement each other from the Beginning of Time

Science and spirituality complement each other from the beginning of time! Spirituality takes care of true inner self existing in our heart and science the external requirements of life. Science facilitates living life in a meaningful manner. To discover unknown frontiers of life… to fathom deep within entire cosmos and also to earn our daily bread-and-butter science was necessitated.   […]

Spirituality was Irrespective of any Religion Faith or Belief

Spirituality could not be defined in terms of any religion. We just could not say Hindu Spirituality, it does not mean anything. Spirituality was irrespective of any religion, faith or belief. The doctrine of spirituality lay in the fact that we were primarily a spirit, a spiritual being manifesting human form.   As detailed by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, […]

Something Within told me that Pursuing Path of Spirituality I could reach God

When young six years of age I never thought of life that way! Something within told me that pursuing path of spirituality I could reach God. My determination to find God in this very life slowly firmed up. Elders in the family told me that reaching God was the ultimate goal of life of all human beings on mother earth. […]

Affirmations every now and then were Integral Part of Spiritual Life

Unless we affirmed our faith in God Almighty all the time, we could never successfully indulge in meditation yoga! Affirmations every now and then were integral part of spiritual life. We successfully indulged in meditation via path of contemplation only through affirmations! As nothing in field of spirituality could be understood literally, it is only through path of affirmations, contemplation […]

Journey of Spirituality was always Indulged by Hit and Trial method

Unmindful of what future holds a student starts ones journey of education. Jumping from one class to another, one keeps dreaming about becoming something in future. What if one does not reach the goal of their dreams? All was dependent on karma performed. As our indulgence, accordingly the manifestation of karma!   When a seeker indulges in spirituality, yoga meditation […]

Think Twice before Indulging in a Book on Spirituality

Mahavira, 24th Tirthankara of Jainism… preceptor rightly said, do not preach unless you become an enlightened one… a Jina! Even translations of sacred texts were meaningless. Commentaries by enlightened ones like Adi Shankaracharya made a great reading. Think twice before indulging in a book on spirituality. Hordes of books on the topic of spirituality were available in the market… even […]

Through Limited Power of Senses including Eyes We could never View Happenings in Domain of God

Through limited power of senses (including eyes) we could never view happenings in domain of God Almighty, world of souls’ atmans! The word spirituality itself means something relating to spirit, consciousness existing in our heart as our soul atman. Everything relating to spirituality can only be realized, never visualized!   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God […]

On Path of Pure Spirituality Results never mattered Even after Reaching Stage of Enlightenment One never gets to Know One had Become an Enlightened One

Indulging in nishkama karma yoga was part of spirituality. Unless we indulged in nishkama karma yoga, we could never practice spirituality successfully. Nishkama karma yoga means never going after fruits of karma performed… one needs working like a trustee, caretaker for whom everything belonged to God Almighty. One was only an instrument in hands of God Almighty doing his bidding […]

One who worked for Welfare of Mankind all the time was the Most Popular Person on Mother Earth

Indulging in spirituality, yoga meditation when human beings reached stage of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha… Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed… one could enjoy unlimited popularity! One who worked for welfare of mankind all the time was also the most popular person on mother earth.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 170107) Bhagavad […]

The Crying of Babies at the Time of Birth directly Linked to Their Karma of Past Lives

The crying of babies at the time of birth was directly linked to their karma of past lives. More the bondage of karma, excessive their crying! After death of present body, as nothing materialistic, worldly carries to next life… this leftover from previous lives was the main cause for excessive crying.   All life particularly in a country like India […]

End Stage of Spirituality could only be Realized

Can a student of nursery have a feeling of what a Nobel laureate was all about! If no, the reason was clear. Something that is realized from within could not be explained or experienced by others. Only an enlightened one could know what one had achieved on path of pure spirituality. The end stage of spirituality could never be put […]

Regret Being Spiritual

Being spiritual is realizing our true inner self that we were a soul atman, a spirit manifesting human form! It is following precepts of spirituality contained in Bhagavad Gita human beings finally gained enlightenment, reached stage of moksha salvation!   In my 55 years of spiritual travail I have yet to find a person who was spiritually happy from within. […]