Spirituality Quotes

On Path of Spirituality Homosexuality was totally ruled out A complete Taboo

Path of spirituality advises human beings to indulge in celibacy, to channelize sexual energy towards the end goal of life. For the purpose of progeny, a maximum of one or two indulgences per month were permitted. In the circumstances, homosexuality was totally ruled out, a complete taboo.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 […]

Seeds of Spirituality Existed in Me from the very Beginning of Life

The seeds of spirituality existed in me from the very beginning of life. Maybe something I did in earlier life was the cause! Normally most human beings in present life were religious but wanted to become spiritual. Finding contemplation difficult, most indulged in religious practices (rituals).   Believing in spirituality means having absolute faith in God (termed shraddha in Hinduism)! […]

Stop Rotating endlessly in Cycles of Birth and Death Indulging in Spirituality

Where was it written in Hinduism that all Hindus must indulge in spirituality to reach stage of enlightenment in their lifetime! Path of spirituality was not that easily traveled… prime reason why most Hindus indulged in rituals (religious practices) in hope of reaching God in their lifetime.   As detailed in Hinduism scriptures every single human being on mother earth […]

Can Enlightenment be achieved without Indulging in Spirituality

Can anyone become a Nobel Laureate without formal schooling? Can enlightenment be achieved without indulging in spirituality? Path of asceticism… austerity, self-denial, abstinence, non-indulgence, self-discipline was necessitated to reach spiritual goal of life. Path of spirituality demands establishing absolute control over five senses and mind, subduing our ego in totality forever.   Control over five senses and mind, ego can […]

It has Rightly been said Human Form is a Replica of Entire Cosmos

Indulging in spirituality human beings could venture to any stage of cosmos right from big bang to dissolution of cosmos (Pralaya in Hinduism). All concepts of cosmos (Brahmaand) become absolutely clear to a true traveler of spiritual path. It has rightly been said that human form is a replica of entire cosmos.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man […]

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says Highest Yogi of All was one Who could Indulge in Spirituality even while Living in Grihastha Ashram Married Life

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says the highest Yogi of all was one who could indulge in spirituality even while living in Grihastha ashram (married life). Everything contained in Bhagavad Gita was truth and only truth. In the present scientific age one need not go to confines of deep dense forests, Himalayas in search of God… to indulge in contemplation! […]

Everything Relating to Drugs was Temporary Having Nothing To Do with Spirituality

Spirituality is always practiced via path of yoga meditation. Spirituality though part of religion was totally distinct. The abstract values of life were detailed, discussed in spirituality never religion (path of rituals). God could be reached only via path of spirituality never religion.   All spiritual progress always was permanent and also one-sided. Once treaded, chances of returning to material […]

Path of Spirituality from very Beginning was Full of Contentment from Within

The path of spirituality from very beginning was full of contentment from within. But this inner happiness was relative. A truly spiritual person all the time worked for welfare of mankind. A traveler of spiritual path loses one’s family forever. Spirituality demands curtailing Moha (extreme emotional attachment) in totality. Karma needs negating to zero forever. Overpowering five senses and mind […]

Spirituality was never Achieved but Traveling Path of Spirituality Human Beings Gained Enlightenment in their Lifetime

Spirituality was never achieved but traveling path of spirituality human beings gained enlightenment in their lifetime. The word spirituality stems from spirit that exists within us as our consciousness, soul atman existing in our heart. Traveling path of spirituality means indulgence in path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) to assimilate hidden underlying cosmic truths of life contained in sacred texts. […]

Spirituality was much above Mundane Affairs of Life let alone Politics

Politics truly had no place in field of pure spirituality. A true spiritual master could never indulge in field of politics. Spirituality was much above mundane affairs of life let alone politics. Spiritual leaders indulging in politics failed to understand, spirituality was distinct from religion. Many so-called spiritual leaders in India indulged in political affairs messing it all up. Spirituality […]

Path of Pure Spirituality can be Followed by Anyone Who had Patience Persistence and Perseverance to withstand Rigours of Yoga Meditation

Path of pure spirituality can be followed by anyone who had the requisite patience, persistence and perseverance to withstand rigours of yoga meditation. Path of spirituality demands our indulgence in contemplation, introspection… logical reasoning most of time. Yoga meditation does not mean sitting in a room concentrating on nothing or indulging in yogic exercises, asanas alone.   I, a civil […]

What I liked Best was Indulging in Spirituality We can Become One with God

When young what I liked best was… we could indulge in spirituality to become one with God. We were a soul atman that got mired in impurities. If we could cleanse self of dross impurities within, we could again rejoin the source God Almighty himself (Brahman in Hinduism).   I was born in a Jain family. I spent most of […]

Reading a Book One never Reaches anywhere on Path of Pure Spirituality

Reading a book one never reaches anywhere on path of pure spirituality. Ingredients of spirituality lay in scriptures, sacred texts of different religions of world. It is practicing spirituality as detailed in Bhagavad Gita human beings, man gods like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed finally succeeded in reaching stage of enlightenment, moksha salvation!   As nothing in […]

The Inclination to follow Spirituality though Inherent in all Human Beings was Difficult in Practice

The inclination to follow spirituality though inherent in all human beings was difficult in practice! Most human beings world over followed path of religion (rituals) than path of pure spirituality! The reason was apparent… nothing in scriptures could be followed literally, it demands path of contemplation, introspection… logical reasoning to reach hidden underlying principles of life contained in sacred texts. […]

If We can Distinguish Spirituality from Religion Path of Rituals 50 Percent of Our Spiritual Journey is Complete

If we can distinguish spirituality from religion (path of rituals)… 50% of our spiritual journey is complete. Spirituality demands our indulgence in scriptures and that could not be done literally. Only by traveling path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) could we realize hidden inner truths of life contained in scriptures of different religions of world. Path of jnana yoga demands […]