
Immortal meaning – Is Immortality theoretically possible – Can Humans become Immortal

Immortal a continued existence forever speaks of eternal life, something beyond clutches of birth and death. Immortality could not be gained; it has to exist from times immemorial. We just could not say something that was ephemeral could gain immortality like human beings! Immortality has to exist from times immemorial; it could never be gained nor destroyed.   Either we […]

Human Beings Gained Immortality not in Physical Form but as Soul Atman the Consciousness Within

Human beings gained immortality not in physical form but as a soul atman, the consciousness within. Immortality directly relates to domain of souls atmans. Traveling path of spirituality, indulging in sacred texts of different religions of world when human beings finally gained enlightenment…. they emancipated forever from cycle of birth and death. This stage of absolute purity is permanent, irreversible! […]

Moment one Emancipates from Cycle of Birth and Death One Gains Immortality forever

Immortality belongs to our true inner self… our soul atman, consciousness… the spirit existing in our heart! Physically no human being could become immortal. Our body was designed to live for an average life of 100 years. When human beings gained enlightenment, the cycle of birth and death came to an end. This stage of absolute purity in the life […]

No Human Being could ever Gain Immortality

The stage of immortality can be reached via path of spirituality as detailed in Bhagavad Gita Hinduism, never teachings of Islamic Dharma detailed in Quran. As per Bhagavad Gita immortality belonged to our soul atman and never the manifest physical human form. No human being could ever gain immortality. Traveling path of spirituality when human beings gained enlightenment, the cosmic […]

All Scriptures contained Ideas Thoughts Preaching that were Immortal Forever

Travelers of spiritual path who succeeded in reaching stage of enlightenment… successful entrepreneurs who achieved miraculous breakthroughs in the scientific world become immortal forever.   Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana succeeded in gaining enlightenment in their lifetime. There are no more physically present yet their ideas, theories… preaching are providing much desired clues to other travelers of spiritual path […]

Indulging in Religious Practices one could never Reach Stage of Immortality

Indulging in religious practices one could never reach stage of immortality. To understand precept of immortality one needs traveling path of spirituality. Belief or no belief we were primarily a spirit, a spiritual being manifesting human form to remove dross impurities within. The human form was but a medium to work out our karma. Indulging in spirituality, yoga meditation when […]

Our Children the Immortal Bond

Immortality never relates to children. Immortality always belonged to our true inner self existing in our heart as soul atman, the consciousness! When human beings gained enlightenment and finally moksha salvation, our soul atman gets liberated from cycle of birth and death forever. This stage of emancipation from cycle of birth and death is termed immortality as soul atman need […]

The Word Immortality itself confirms Cosmic Journey of Soul Atman finally Coming to an End

The biggest anomaly lay in our presumption! The word immortality itself confirms cosmic journey of soul atman finally coming to an end. Devoid of dross impurities within, a soul atman gains absolute purity forever. This means the soul atman emancipates from cycle of birth and death forever. This stage of absolute purity is termed immortality as souls atmans need not […]

Misguided by Science-fiction Movies of Present Times How Long shall We continue Imagining Immortality in Human Form

Misguided by science-fiction movies of present times, how long shall we continue imagining immortality in human form! As detailed in Bhagavad Gita immortality was the stage when our soul atman reaches stage of absolute purity, the moment human beings gained enlightenment.   Every single human being on mother earth shall one day become immortal, a pure soul atman by traveling […]

Immortality could never be Gained in Physical Manifest Human Form

If someone said to me, what could I do now so that I could go to Mars in the future… what would be my reply? I would only say it was just not possible. The reason was apparent.   Immortality was a property of our soul atman, the consciousness existing in our heart. Immortality could never be gained in physical […]

Immortality Never Gained in Physical Form

The concept of immortality was wrongly understood by most, world over. Immortality was never gained in physical form. When we as a soul atman reached stage of absolute purity, this stage was termed immortality as soul atman within finally emancipated self from cycle of birth forever. No more manifestation of a body, the soul atman gains immortality forever. In absence […]

Immortality was Never a Matter of Human Choice

Immortality was never a matter of human choice. It comes after reaching stage of enlightenment. Our indulgence in path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom) was necessitated to emancipate permanently from cycle of birth and death. The moment our soul atman existing in heart reaches stage of absolute purity, one immediately becomes a Jina, a Mahavira… an enlightened one! No more […]

Stage of Immortality Reached Demolishing Ego to Zero

The stage of immortality is reached demolishing our ego to zero. Once negated, once a bud becomes a flower it could never become a bud again. The process was irreversible!   Initially the soul atman was pure. In its cosmic sojourn it gained impurities. The moment life supporting planets like mother earth evolved souls atmans started manifesting life on mother […]

In Real Life traveling Path of Spirituality Human Beings finally Reached Stage of Enlightenment Moksha Salvation only to Become Immortal forever

Immortality, a property of our soul atman never ever belonged to physical manifest human form. When human beings after gaining enlightenment reached stage of moksha salvation, the soul atman within emancipated from cycle of birth and death forever! This liberated soul atman need not manifest a body again. In absence of dross impurities within, the need for soul atman to […]

One becomes Immortal a Soul Atman reaches Stage of Immortality When an Enlightened One leaves Mortal Frame forever and Reaches Stage of Moksha Salvation

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says every single human being on mother earth has the potential, spark of divinity within to reach stage of immortality. Human form, the highest manifest stage in cosmic life cycle could reach stage of immortality not bodily but through soul atman existing in our heart.   Immortality was a feature of our soul atman, consciousness […]

Immortality was a Property of our Soul Atman the Consciousness within

Ifs and buts were limited to physical manifest world having nothing to do with spiritual world that lay within. As detailed in scriptures of Hinduism human life was limited by 100 years on an average! After that time different body parts would start failing. Our sensory organs were not designed to live more than 100 years on an average.   […]

Immortality can never be Gained by the Physical Manifest Self

Immortality belongs to our real self that existed in our heart as our soul atman, the consciousness within!   Immortality can never be gained by the physical manifest self. Human life as detailed in Hinduism scriptures was limited by average 100 years of life span. After that individual body parts start failing. Initially our teeth give away, when our eyesight […]

Bodily One could never Gain Immortality

Immortality belongs to our true inner self, our soul atman… the spirit within! Bodily one could never gain immortality. The average life of human body was 100 years, after that individual parts start failing.   Immortality simply means; we as a soul atman, the consciousness reaching stage of absolute purity. Emancipation from cycle of birth and death is what immortality […]

Immortality Belongs in the Spiritual World

The present day science-fiction movies made us imagine unreal things in the real world. We think of human life in terms of cyborg, something that could exist forever! The absolute reality of life was different. The human body was designed by God Almighty for an average life of 100 years. Beyond that vital parts of our body start failing like […]

Immortality Relates to Spirituality never Religion Path of Rituals

Immortality relates to spirituality, never religion (path of rituals)! Traveling path of spirituality when human beings gained enlightenment in their lifetime, the soul atman within reaches stage of absolute purity forever! In absence of dross impurities within, the purified soul atman emancipates forever from cycle of birth and death… reaching state of immortality!   Indulging in religious practices (rituals) one […]

Gaining Enlightenment Reaching Stage of Immortality

Yes, gaining enlightenment means reaching stage of immortality forever.   What do we mean when we talked of immortality? It was for certain that immortality could never be gained physically in human form. That was not the intention of god. Immortality, the stage of absolute purity is always gained by our soul atman, the consciousness within when our karma negates […]