
A Negative residual balance of Prarabdha Karma from Previous Manifestations always Resulted in Bad Fate befalling Us

As detailed in scriptures of Hinduism, a negative residual balance of Prarabdha karma from previous manifestations always resulted in bad fate befalling us. A positive residual balance of Prarabdha karma from previous manifestations results in our winning a lottery all of a sudden. This fructifying of Prarabdha karma was all of a sudden, hidden from mankind.   If we desire […]

Fate does not Relate to Thought Process but Karma

If the faculty of thinking in human beings did not exist, we would never indulge in any action! Every single thought when mobilized precipitates into action. Before we act, the related thought occurs in our brain, thinking process! Fate does not relate to thought process but karma.   As ordained by God the closing balance of previous life becomes opening […]