Karma Sutra

It is the Child that Chooses its Parents and not Vice Versa

Whatever family we were born in, whatever be our stage of life… all depended upon residual balance of karma at the time of death in previous manifestation! In all stages of life karma was governing. It is the child that chooses its parents and not vice versa. Why so?   After death of human body, the released soul atman immediately […]

We can Scuttle End Cycle of Karma Succeed establishing Absolute Control over Five Senses and Mind Indulging in Jnana Wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita

We can scuttle karma, end cycle of karma… succeed in establishing absolute control over five senses and mind by indulging in jnana wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita. As nothing in Bhagavad Gita could be understood literally, our taking path of contemplation, introspection… logical reasoning was necessitated. It is only jnana wisdom that succeeds in cutting darkness of karma. Just by […]

Unless We acted Positively in Present Life We could never Remove Traces of Negative Residual Balance of Karma from Previous Manifestations

Correctly stated, all our sorrows and happiness in present life resulted from our karma of present and past lives, not past lives alone. By indulging in good karma, positive karma in present life we could scuttle negative effects of negative residual balance of karma, neutralize it and manifest destiny in present life. Unless we acted positively in present life… we […]

The Cleansing Process demands our Indulgence in Karma as a Physical Manifest Being

Can life exist in cosmos in absence of karma? Karma is the controlling factor, the hidden ingredient of cosmic life. In absence of karma life just could not move ahead in cosmic life cycle. Everything would become stagnant, just decay and die.   Looking at the whole scenario, the whole cosmic cycle… we find after death of human body, based […]

Precept of Karma can be Understood Indulging in Scriptures Never Portal of Science

How could science explain precept of karma, something that was intangible! Karma was that inherent ingredient of cosmic system due to which life moves ahead in cosmic life cycle. In absence of karma everything in cosmos would simply decay and die.   The doctrine of karma is explicitly detailed in scriptures of Hinduism primarily Bhagavad Gita. As detailed in Bhagavad […]

Survival of the Fittest is a Natural Phenomenon Never to be Indulged by Human Beings

Survival of the fittest is a natural phenomenon… never to be indulged by human beings, the highest manifest stage in cosmic life! Human beings have been endowed with power of discrimination that distinguishes us from animals. Depending on our karma life moved ahead in cosmic life cycle. How we indulged in karma was our sole prerogative, none other could interfere […]

The Whole Mankind Life on Mother Earth was invariably Governed by Inscrutable Law of Karma

Everything in field of pure spirituality was absolute, based on absolute truth…ifs and buts seemingly did not exist! The whole mankind, life on mother earth was invariably governed by inscrutable law of karma… as we sow so shall we reap nothing more or less! As advocated by Adi Shankaracharya in doctrine of Maya (veil of illusion), the whole cosmos does […]

All our Sufferings Resulted from a Negative Residual Balance of Karma of the Moment

All our sufferings resulted from a negative residual balance of karma of the moment. If we stood at a karmic index of -2, where was the cause for any worry! Indulging in positive karma, good karma we could easily neutralize the negative influence of bad karma and also accumulate a positive karmic index. In that eventuality we would experience happiness […]

As our Deeds our Karma Accordingly the Manifestation of Varna

As detailed in Bhagavad Gita the whole society was divided into Varna (never caste system). If a Brahmin engages in a shoe shop one would be considered a vaishya (trader) and never a Brahmin. If a shudra indulged in scriptures… one would be considered a Brahmin, never a shudra! In the history of Hinduism there were many so-called Shudras who […]

One has to Bear all the Consequences resulting from Karma of Past Lives

If a person was destined to live 61 years of age and one succumbs to accidental death at 60 then spiritually the lifespan would be divided into two phases of 60 and one year of age. The released soul atman would manifest a body only for one year of age. In spiritual terms, on cosmic scale nothing much happened. The […]

The Eternal Security as Interpreted in Christianity was Flawed

The eternal security as interpreted in Christianity was flawed. The whole cosmic system, life was directly governed by inscrutable laws of karma. The prime purpose of human manifestation was reducing, decimating dross impurities within a soul atman. This becomes possible indulging in karma, never otherwise! Karma has to be indulged by the individual. None other could help one in reaching […]

Only a Very Accomplished Human Being like a Yogi can Change ones Nature

Changing human nature was almost next to impossible! The reason was apparent. The human form was manifested by our soul atman after passing 7.3 million manifestations in insect, plant and animal life. Even in human form we do not know at what karmic level we existed between karmic index of 7,300,001 and 8,400,000. Our basic nature continued from previous manifestations, […]

Karma Does not Constitute Physical Indulgence alone

We never do karma, we always indulged in karma based on our needs of day-to-day life; our goal in life. Even if we sit idle, totally motionless… karma keeps performing! Every single thought precipitates into an act of karma. Karma does not constitute physical indulgence alone.   Karma does not directly relate to field of spirituality. It is indulging in […]

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says Indulging in Karma was the Utmost Priority of Human Life

Simply wishing we never gained anything in life. When we believed in one, we hoped that our desire, wish would be fulfilled. Living in hope was meaningless. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says indulging in karma was the utmost priority of human life. Depending on desires, wishes… hope alone we could never live a meaningful life. Indulging in requisite karma […]

Karma entails Everything Every Action Karya and also Thoughts

Karma entails everything… every action (Karya) and also thoughts! Every single thought precipitates into an act of karma. If we murdered someone in our thoughts, then also we would be affected by indulgence in this bad karma. If a physical murder attracts a negative marking of -1 on karmic scale, it is quite possible that a murder in thoughts attracts […]