
It is Presence of Souls Atmans in Sun that Life Existed in this Part of Cosmos

What do we think sunlight was? And how do we relate it with God particle! We must never forget… all souls’ atmans resided in core of sun where temperatures exceeded millions of degrees centigrade. Heaven (swarga in Hinduism) exists in core of sun… prime reason why human beings could never go to swarga (heaven) bodily.   In absence of sun […]

Intelligent Life Exists only on Mother Earth Nowhere Else in Solar System

Intelligent life exists only on mother earth, nowhere else in the solar system! Birth and death could occur only on mother earth. Souls’ atmans keep rotating in the cycle of birth and death until they reach 8.4 millionth manifestation, last in cosmic life cycle… the stage when human beings traveling path of spirituality gained enlightenment and finally moksha salvation.   […]

Our indulgence in Surya Namaskar means We Prayed to All Souls Atmans Existing in Sun

Compared to Sun, Moon was a dead planet. Sun was the source of all souls’ atmans existing on mother earth. Our indulgence in Surya Namaskar means we prayed to all souls atmans existing in sun.   Thousands of atomic explosions occurred in the core of sun every second of life. Moon only gives reflective light, nothing of its own.   […]

The Death of Sun would announce End of Life on Mother Earth

The death of sun would announce end of life on mother earth. As detailed in Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads (independent treatises) all souls atmans existing on mother earth would automatically reach 8.4 millionth manifestation, last in cosmic life cycle… stage of moksha salvation! At whatever stage of life one may be… either an insect, plant… animal or human form… all […]

Human Form was Confined to Solar System It Would never Go Beyond

Human form was confined to solar system… it would never go beyond! Only after reaching stage of enlightenment… becoming a Mahavira, Gautama Buddha… Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed… could the liberated soul atman venture into any part of cosmos.   The reality of life never laid in present day science-fiction movies that were far from reality!   By: Vijay Kumar […]