Birth and Death

As per Bhagavad Gita Soul Atman Consciousness existing in Heart wants Liberation from Samsara World of Mortals To reach Stage of Absolute Purity

Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says… soul atman, consciousness existing in our heart wants liberation from Samsara (world of mortals) to reach stage of absolute purity. Liberation from cycle of birth and death in human form was not that easy. We need indulging in spirituality, path of contemplation… logical reasoning to reach hidden cosmic truths of life. Slowly step-by-step as […]

I did not Want to Return into the Vicious Cycle of Birth and Death

When young, about 8~9 years of age, something within told me to decide once and for all what I wanted to do in life. Since six years of age I was in search of God. If I were to continue on this path, I may lose my family. Rather, I may have to leave the confines of home go to […]

I somehow Wanted to be Free from Cycle of Birth and Death forever

At nine years of age when I finally decided to go in search of God wholeheartedly, I had all doubts that I would make it. I somehow wanted to be free from cycle of birth and death forever.   In the wee hours of third of August 1993 at 37 years of age I finally realized God. Looking back I […]

Stage of Absolute Purity by a Soul Atman is termed Emancipation from Cycle of Birth and Death forever

Indulging in teachings of Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita any human being world over belonging to any religion, faith or belief can reach stage of enlightenment and finally moksha salvation. To gain enlightenment in present life our traveling path of spirituality (not religion, path of rituals) was necessitated. Nothing in scriptures like Bhagavad Gita could be understood literally, they demand […]

Although Life Supporting Planets like Mother Earth Existed in various parts of Cosmos but Travel from one Part of Cosmos to Another was Prohibited by God

Although life supporting planets like mother earth existed in various parts of cosmos but travel from one part of cosmos to another was prohibited by God. Only a liberated soul atman could venture into any part of cosmos at will. This became possible when human beings gained enlightenment and finally moksha salvation. Until reaching stage of enlightenment, our soul atman […]

The Query Where do Souls go has Two Answers

The query where do souls go has two answers. After death of human body the released soul atman immediately manifests a new form, a new body to start new journey of life. If matching parents were not available on mother earth, the soul atman hibernates in heaven or hell… in heaven if the residual balance of karma at the time […]

I Just did not want to Rotate in the Endless Cycle of Birth and Death

Around nine years of age something within told me to go in search of God fully stream. I just did not want to rotate in the endless cycle of birth and death. Something within kept me telling to finalize my decision. I took not more than a minute to finalize my absolute goal of life… follow path of spirituality to […]

Cycle of Birth and Death Cycle of Life

Born in Jainism religion and follower of Hinduism all throughout life… I relate to only these two religions. In Hinduism and also Jainism the moment death of human form occurs, the released soul atman immediately manifests another body to continue its cycle of life.   Scriptures of Hinduism also say… if matching parents are not available on mother earth, the […]

Moksha Birth and Death the interconnection

The human life was limited to present earthly domain, a time span roughly totaling 70 to 80 years. It is not human beings who went through cycles of birth and death; it was our soul atman, the spirit within that did so. The cosmic journey of life always belonged to our soul atman, the consciousness within and not the manifest […]