
Even while Living in Grihastha Ashram Married Life One could Practice Absolute Celibacy

Bhagavad Gita explicitly says to indulge in practice of absolute celibacy to reach God in our lifetime. Even while living in Grihastha ashram (married life) one could practice absolute celibacy. The meaning of absolute celibacy was different from Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy). Abstention from sexual indulgence was necessitated for progressing spiritually but a maximum of two indulgences per month were permitted […]

For a Seeker True Practitioner of Absolute Celibacy there were Only Three Relationships that Existed in this World That of Mother Sister or Daughter

Traveling path of spirituality when a seeker finally overpowers sexual inhibitions forever… the relationship between a husband and wife practically reduces to that of a brother and sister. This relationship could not be taken literally but spiritually as it underlines the fundamental truth of practicing celibacy and finally overcoming it. For a seeker, a true practitioner of absolute celibacy there […]

Practicing Brahmacharya Vrata Celibacy Human Beings could Realize any Goal of Life

Practicing Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy) human beings could realize any goal of life. By channelizing sexual energy behind the only goal of life we could become absolute master and controller of life. Sexual energy is the most potent of all energies made available to mankind by grace of God Almighty.   Swami Vivekananda the great disciple saint of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa […]

A Celibate Always Works like a Dam Channelizing Sexual Energy towards the Only Goal of Life

Voluntary non-indulgence in sexual activity was termed Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy)! The feeling of practicing Brahmacharya Vrata must come from within. We must never suppress sexual urges, but subdue them from within by practicing celibacy mantra.   A celibate always works like a dam channelizing sexual energy towards the only goal of life!   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man […]

The AcharaN Conducive to Reaching Brahman was termed Brahmachari or Brahmacharini

Lord Brahma is only an attribute of God Almighty (Brahman) and forms part of Hindu mythology.   A man bachelor is called Brahmachari and Lady Brahmacharini as one needs abstention from a sexual relationship if we were to pursue Brahman (God) in our lifetime. The behaviour, demeanour (AcharaN in Hindi) must be conducive to reaching Brahman (God) in present life. […]

Abstaining from a Sexual Relationship not only Physically but Mentally was termed Brahmacharya Vrata Celibacy

Abstaining from a sexual relationship not only physically but mentally was termed Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy). Sexual energy is the most potent of all energies made available to mankind by grace of God. Channelizing sexual energy by practicing Brahmacharya Vrata spelled absolute success in life.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161114) […]

Stopping Flow of Negative Thoughts to our Brain in Totality is what Absolute Celibacy all about

Most human beings (almost all) who indulged in practice of Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy) understood it wrongly. Celibacy was not all about abstaining from sexual indulgence. The physical aspect of celibacy definitely means abstaining from a sexual relationship and channelizing sexual energy towards the only goal of life. The real meaning of celibacy stems from the fact that on path of […]

When We practiced Celibacy Brahmacharya Vrata Our Kundalini Awakened in Stages Activating Chakras One by One

When we practiced celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata) in right earnestness our kundalini awakened in stages, activating chakras one by one. This results in dormant lying portions of our brain getting activated. This was a very slow time consuming process yet benefits are immense.   We also need invoking positive thoughts most of time. By remaining positive we neutralized negative residual balance […]

Enlightenment in Absence of Practice of Absolute Celibacy was not Possible

Enlightenment in absence of practice of absolute celibacy was just not possible. Practice of celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata) that seekers world over often discussed constituted hardly 10% of total job. Actual celibacy was practiced mentally. Eradicating flow of negative thoughts to our brain in totality is what absolute celibacy all about. Abstaining from a sexual relationship was a petty matter hardly […]

Whenever one Practiced Brahmacharya Vrata Celibacy Sexual Energy Channelized up the Spine

Whenever one practiced Brahmacharya Vrata (Celibacy) sexual energy channelized up the spine. As the spiritual progress, accordingly the climb! The sexual energy keeps rising up the spine crossing chakra after chakra. In the end stages of spiritual pursuit sexual energy rises to the center of forehead resulting in full awakening of kundalini shakti, the coiled Serpentine energy lying dormant in […]

Practicing Brahmacharya Vrata Celibacy when We Channelized all our Energies behind a Single Goal of Life We were all the time Energetic full of Blast

Practicing Brahmacharya Vrata (Celibacy) when we channelized all our energies behind a single goal of life, we were all the time energetic… full of blast! Thousands of thoughts flowed through our brain every second of whom, most were illogical, useless. These uncalled for thoughts were a big drain on our mental capacity. By reducing the flow of these thoughts we […]

Transmutation of Sexual Energy was the Most Important step on Path of Pure Spirituality

There was nothing in field of sex that needs to be indulged openly. It is channelizing sexual energy yogis finally succeeded in full awakening of kundalini shakti, the coiled Serpentine energy lying dormant in base of spine! Spirituality demands practice of absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation. We must never forget sexual energy was the […]

Sexual Desires have to be Nipped in the Bud by Practice of Celibacy Mantra

Sexual desires have to be nipped in the bud by practice of celibacy mantra… that was what practice of Brahmacharya Vrata all about.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161224) Bhagavad Gita Study Circle: a meeting point for people from all walks of life interested in knowing anything relating to spirituality, […]

We could Channelize Sexual Energy through Medium of Transmutation as detailed by Napoleon Hill in his Books Think and Grow Rich and Law of Success

We could channelize sexual energy through medium of transmutation as detailed by Napoleon Hill in his books “Think and Grow Rich” and “Law of Success”. Channelizing sexual energy towards the only goal of life… whether materialistic or spiritual, one gained absolute success all the time!   In worldly life channelizing sexual energy human beings could manifest success in any business. […]

Essentials of Brahmacharya Vrata never Lay in Books

Essentials of Brahmacharya Vrata never lay in books. Through indulgence in contemplation, we realized the inner meaning of celibacy (practice of Brahmacharya Vrata).   In simple words practice of Brahmacharya Vrata means channelizing sexual energy towards a goal of life. Napoleon Hill in his books “Think and Grow Rich” and “Law of Success” has adequately dealt with subject of transmutation […]

The Ageing Process can be Slowed only by Indulgence in Brahmacharya Vrata celibacy

The ageing process can be slowed only by indulgence in Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy). When human beings accumulated sexual energy, channelizing it towards positive goals of life… one radiated a glow of inner beauty, surpassing physical beauty many times!   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161213) Bhagavad Gita Study Circle: a meeting […]

An established Practitioner of Celibacy Yoga Meditation can increase Ones Lifespan to about 150 years even while Remaining Young all the time

One who indulges in spirituality, path of yoga meditation… practices celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata) remains young all the time. An established practitioner of celibacy, yoga meditation can increase ones lifespan to about 150 years even while remaining young all the time.   By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161213) Bhagavad Gita Study Circle: […]

A True Practitioner of Celibacy Brahmacharya Vrata like Swami Vivekananda can Increase Lifespan up to 175 Years or so

A true practitioner of celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata) like Swami Vivekananda can increase lifespan up to 175 years or so. The inherent intelligence also multiplies phenomenally. It is not bookish knowledge but jnana wisdom that comes from within that is let loose. Practice of celibacy results in dormant lying portions of brain opening gradually. Normal human beings used their brain 1 […]

Practiced Brahmacharya Vrata Celibacy for a continuous Period of 14 Years

I practiced Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy) for a continuous period of 14 years to reach stage of self realization, god realization. Brahmacharya Vrata, celibacy practically translates to non-indulgence in sexual activity. This was an absolute misnomer. Brahmacharya Vrata (celibacy), abstinence from sexual indulgence formed 10% of total job… 90% celibacy always been practiced mentally. Eradicating flow of negative thoughts to our […]

Transmutating Sexual Energy Practicing Celibacy Brahmacharya Vrata Human Beings reached God

The concept of transmutation of sexual energy termed celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata) is best detailed by Napoleon Hill in his famous books “Think and Grow Rich” and “Law of Success“. Napoleon Hill talks about tangible wealth most of time. Truly, by transmuting and channelizing sexual energy towards the only goal of life human beings can gain absolute success in life. Practice […]