Spiritual but not Religious

Indulging in Religion Rituals Human Beings never Gained anything on Spiritual Platform

Following path of religion or spirituality is purely a matter of personal choice.   It is path of spirituality that directly leads to God Almighty. Spirituality demands our indulgence in sacred texts of different religions of world. Practice of celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years was also necessitated. Spirituality demands our indulgence in contemplation, introspection… logical reasoning at […]

Idol Worship relates to Path of Bhakti Yoga

Idol worship relates to path of bhakti yoga. In present times one reaches God via path of jnana yoga and karma yoga, never path of bhakti yoga alone.   Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, the guru of Swami Vivekananda initially started in search of God via path of bhakti yoga but finding God could not be reached via path of bhakti yoga […]

Making a Distinction between Religion and Spirituality We could Indulge in Introspection Logical Reasoning Reach Zenith of Spirituality

By making a distinction between religion and spirituality, we could indulge in introspection, logical reasoning… self enquiry as practiced and reached by Maharishi Ramana and reach zenith of spirituality.   The initial progress would definitely be very slow but not in later stages when we learnt the intricate art of transmuting sexual energy towards the only goal of life.   […]

While trying to Distinguish Religion from Spirituality I finally Found the Answer

Position in Hinduism or Jainism was not different than Christianity. People went to temples to pray to God but all the time indulged in meaningless gossip. No one seemed interested in knowing God.   When young about six years of age I accompanied my mother to various Jain temples. I also prayed to God through medium of idols kept in […]

People Indulged in Religious Practices Rituals and called it Spiritual

Perceived from pessimist point of view the glass was half empty but from an optimists point of view the glass was half full. The present society is going downhill and in a short while from now would reach a point of no return. In Dwapar Yuga during times of Lord Krishna almost similar conditions existed.   To put the society […]

Spiritual Being existing within was the Real Essence of Life

The spiritual being, existing within, was the real essence of life! As detailed in Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads we were primarily a spirit, consciousness existing in our heart! But this absolute reality of life could not be realized due to presence of ego. Dominated by ego many human beings world over did not believe in presence of soul atman within. […]

For a Traveler of Spiritual Path Indulgence in Religious Practices carried No Meaning

Taking the case of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa one who gained enlightenment in his lifetime, we find Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa was an extremely religious person from beginning to last. Despite his religious inclinations all the time, he indulged in pure spirituality to reach stage of enlightenment. Even after gaining enlightenment Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa indulged in religious routines of life. But case […]

Pursuing Spiritual Knowledge Literally is What Humanity is Indulging in Present Times

Pursuing spiritual knowledge literally is what humanity is indulging in present times. I took a whirlwind of world totaling 40 days in 1985. I only wanted to assess the mental capability of human beings world over. I went empty-handed and returned empty-handed. I covered many countries of Europe, United States of America and Canada. Not a single person I met […]

With Passage of Time People are Becoming more Spiritual than Religious

With passage of time people are becoming more spiritual than religious. The hollowness of religion (rituals) is being realized by people world over. To reach God one needs following path of spirituality. Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads advocate so. The importance of teachings of Bhagavad Gita is being recognized by society world over. We can do without religion but never without […]

It was Not Possible to enjoy Material Comforts while Indulging in Spirituality

Travelers of spiritual path require negating karma to zero. We also need negating ego to zero. Establishing absolute control over five senses and mind was another necessity of spiritual path. In the circumstances was it possible to enjoy material comforts while indulging in spirituality?   The human body was only a medium for soul atman within to work out its […]

Seemingly Spiritual People Travelers of Religious Path would not hesitate Practicing Untruthfulness

Seemingly spiritual people were travelers of religious path (indulging in rituals) having nothing to do with spirituality. True travelers of spiritual path were always after realizing self and realization of god requires being 100% truthful. Practicing untruthfulness how could we be spiritual?   100% truthfulness was necessitated to listen to sweet small inner voice of our soul atman coming from […]