Science and spirituality complement each other from the beginning of time! Spirituality takes care of true inner self existing in our heart and science the external requirements of life. Science facilitates living life in a meaningful manner. To discover unknown frontiers of life… to fathom deep within entire cosmos and also to earn our daily bread-and-butter science was necessitated.
Spirituality makes us realize that we were primarily a spirit, consciousness on its cosmic life journey of 8.4 million manifestations. Indulging in yoga meditation human beings as a soul atman finally reached stage of absolute purity within. In absence of dross impurities within, a soul atman finally emancipated from cycle of birth and death forever.
For physical manifest form to sustain science was necessitated. To liberate self from cycle of birth and death forever indulgence in spirituality was an absolute must. As detailed in Bhagavad Gita spirituality starts from the point where science ends. Nothing in field of spirituality could be conceptualized with limited parameters of science that demands proofs at all stages of life.
By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161224)
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