Hinduism Facts

Main Scriptures Holy Books of Hinduism

What was more important… the path or the goal? Decorating my reading space with a big library or the essential scriptures needed to reach God? I opted for the second path.   I wanted to reach God in present life. If I indulged in collecting, analyzing, reading the vast paraphernalia of scriptures of Hinduism, I would have never reached God […]

Snakes in Hinduism

Snakes in Hinduism were symbolic of power of kundalini, the coiled Serpentine energy lying dormant in base of spine. In the images of Lord Shiva we find a hooded cobra around his neck all the time. Lord Vishnu is also shown resting on a bed of coils made by multi-hooded Shesha Nag (King of all snakes).   Lord Shiva is […]

Holy Books of Hinduism

The scriptures of Hinduism religion differed from Christianity or Islamic Dharma. In Christianity till date only Jesus Christ reached stage of enlightenment. In Islamic Dharma also only Prophet Mohammed reached stage of enlightenment (kaivalya jnana). Same was the case with Buddhism where only Gautama Buddha gained enlightenment.   Hinduism and also Jainism were distinct from above practices, religions. Hinduism religion […]

Spread of Hinduism Voluntarily was never Neccessitated

Have we ever witnessed God Almighty or its manifest attributes air, water, fire promoting self on mother earth. Do Bill Gates or Tatas in India need promoting self. The foundation pillars need not advertise ever. Hinduism religion always called a way of life was the foundation stone on which stood every single religion of world. Any human being world over […]

Hinduism Jainism A Way of Life

Before India gained independence in 1947 it was a conglomerate of above 600 princely states spread all over India. Different cultures, different upbringing, different beliefs all combined under one umbrella termed Hinduism religion. Primarily Hinduism religion must be called Sanatana Dharma something that exists from times immemorial. Sanatana in Hindi stands for eternal.   In present times Hinduism religion is […]

Definition of Hinduism Santana Dharma

The winter was really harsh and a collective group of Indo Aryans migrated from upper reaches of Himalayas to warmer Gangetic plains of northern India. The chieftain of the group had a big umbrella in his hand. This umbrella provided immunity from harsh weather including rains. A large bird who happened to pass by shouted in human language, “What is […]

Hinduism Beliefs Practices outside India

Hinduism religion, the foremost and oldest of all religions in world… a failure! When the fox did not get grapes, they were sour! Something not within reach, was elusive always took backseat. It is not for people in West to understand what Hinduism was all about. Floating in shallow waters how could one fathom the depth of jnana wisdom contained […]

Hinduism and Buddhism Facts Comparison History

What is spirituality, the path to realizing self, becoming a pure soul atman in the journey of life! Where does this teaching fit into Buddhism? I have been to Dharamsala several times, only to find Buddhist monks engaged in rituals, nothing more. They had no inkling what spirituality as detailed in Hinduism was all about. Siddhartha Gautama gained enlightenment in […]

Monotheism and Hinduism Scriptures

Directly or indirectly almost all scriptures of Hinduism relate to monotheism, existence of one God (Brahman in Hinduism). Even Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, part of Hindu Trinity are simply attributes of God Almighty.   Bhagavad Gita, the sermon given to mankind by Lord Krishna and Upanishads (independent treatises) dealt exhaustively with the concept of Brahman, the one […]

Nearing End of Hinduism Santana Dharma

Towards an end or Satyuga, a new phase… total renaissance? India (erstwhile Bharatvarsha) in a short while from now would regain its lost cosmic glory, become superpower number one. In times of utter strife, tribulation, the stage of present Kali Yuga… everything seems lost but in reality the whole system is passing through layers of renaissance that would eventually erupt […]

Do Sanatana Dharma Hinduism mean the same

We are probably misinterpreting the writings. Both the words Sanatana and Dharma are used in scriptures of Hinduism but not as a phrase. In Hinduism scriptures we would never find reference to a word like Sanatana Dharma. As stated in sacred texts of Hinduism dharma was eternal, existing from times immemorial. The word eternal in Hindi meant Sanatana. People started […]