Science is not capable enough to Venture into Domain of Souls Atmans

Science is not capable enough to venture into domain of souls atmans. Science was primarily meant for human beings living a meaningful life on mother earth. Using science human beings could venture into unknown frontiers of space or depth of oceans, hitherto unknown. Science was also a means to provide bread-and-butter to human beings.


The world of souls’ atmans, field of spirituality starts from the point where science ends. One could venture into domain of souls atmans only through medium of spirituality. As we are primarily a spirit, a consciousness manifesting human form… the reality of cosmic life could only be realized by indulgence in scriptures of different religions of world. Nothing in field of spirituality could be grasped literally.


Souls atmans were so minute that collectively all souls atmans in cosmos in their pure state carried the size of half a thumb. Albert Einstein the famous physicist indulged in Bhagavad Gita as he was mesmerized by the fact that everything from origin of cosmos (occurrence of big bang) to dissolution of cosmos (Pralaya in Hinduism) was contained in scriptures of Hinduism.


By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161021)

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