It is only by hit and trial we learnt to distinguish good karma from bad. For some the same act maybe bad but for another a meaning to exist. I have personally seen beggars scanning trash cans and eating whatever food they think good for eating. Even for a commoner, such an act was disgraceful but for the hungry bagger who had not eaten for days, it was a matter between life and death.
Regarding karma one thing was absolutely clear –
1. We must never help beggars no matter what. Yes, if they come to our house in search of food, we can sometimes help them with food but never money. In one case I experienced that beggars kept coming to the same house again and again in search of food. So much so that the security guard was instructed to keep these beggars at bay. I was also surprised to find the security man mumbling, in the first instance when I said no, why food was provided to them. Lesson learnt is a lesson for life.
2. If we are vegetarian, contribution for non-vegetarian food is a personal choice which we can always refuse. Sometimes in life we need taking hard stance to save ourselves from mental agony later on.
3. Dwelling in thoughts of sexual desire as a grown-up was natural, inherent. There was nothing bad about it. But if we travelled path of celibacy (Brahmacharya Vrata), indulging in thoughts of sexual nature was prohibited. Furthermore invoking thoughts of promiscuous nature was bad karma. Everything that was moral, ethical could never result in bad karma. As a grown-up indulging in sex was not bad karma but for an unmarried girl in India, indulging in premarital sex is bad, may or may not result in bad karma.
4. Invoking egoistic thoughts was never bad karma but our actions that follow may lead to bad karma.
It has rightly been said nudity always lay in the eyes of the beholder… prime reason why people never saw a dog or a cow naked.
All my life I followed path of pure spirituality something that comes from within. By remaining truthful I could always hear the sweet small inner voice of my soul atman that always prompts us on right path. Guided by the voice of my soul atman I was always able to discriminate truth from false, right from wrong. By practicing truthfulness you can always duplicate my efforts.
Regarding what is sin as per scriptures of Hinduism, I shall narrate following example – If we go hunting and hunt a duck for the evening meal, all was okay. In the eyes of God no sin was committed. But for the sake of pleasure if we hunted two more, then for the extra two ducks we shall not be pardoned by God. We shall have two bear the consequences of bad karma indulged.
To be able to discriminate is a tough job. I took many years before I was able to distinguish between what was right or wrong. Finally I left everything to my soul atman, the spirit within. I subdued my ego (Aham in Hinduism) to hear the sweet small inner voice of my soul atman coming from my heart. At a time we can hear only one voice… the voice of our soul atman or the promptings of our ego.
We must always remember that every single thought positive or negative precipitates into an act of karma. Every single negative thought invoked by us knowingly or unknowingly results in good or bad karma. We had to control the flow of negative thoughts to our brain if we desire indulging in good karma all the time.
By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref 150903)
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