Evolution means To Grow from Within… To Gradually Evolve as Ordained by God

Evolution means to grow from within… to gradually evolve as ordained by God! The prime purpose of evolution was becoming free of earthly inhibitions forever. Life in spiritual domain seemed more complex yet, it was the simplest possible one could ever imagine. Indulging in spirituality in the initial stages of spiritual pursuit almost seemed impossible yet; people like Swami Vivekananda made it sound simple.


The more evolved a human being was, lesser the complexities! Problem lay in following path of truthfulness all the time… something most human beings world over found difficult to practice. Even in a country like United States of America having almost perfect law and order, infrastructure… remaining truthful all the time was a difficult task. The cultural and social bondages made it all the more difficult.


Life at the top when human beings gained enlightenment was its level best… the simplest and with zero complexities! We could visualize it in the character of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha… Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed… all born ordinary human beings yet gained enlightenment at the end of spiritual journey. In the peak of spiritual life all these man gods were truth personified in human form.


By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 170113)

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