If a teacher asked all students in class to write an essay on God… all the narratives would be different from each other. As many human beings, as many paths to God Almighty can there be. The reason was apparent. Everyone interprets the situation based on our buddhi (intellect). Every single individual on mother earth was distinct, having a different karmic index!
The books remaining the same, the teacher remaining the same… yet one comes first and the other last. The religious teachings of one group varied from other. The destination remaining the same, the path varied! God Almighty was one (Brahman in Hinduism), the creator of present cosmos but different religions interpreted it differently.
Although Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed spoke the same thing… yet their followers interpreted different meaning. Similar as we have many branches in a tree, all being different… we also have different religions preaching differently but reaching the same goal, God! As many human beings, as many different versions of God Almighty can there be.
Only when one reaches stage of enlightenment do all paths converge to the same point.
By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161219)
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