Indulgence in Yogic Exercises leads to Inner Peace Inner Calm

Path of yoga meditation and spirituality do not directly relate to inner peace. However indulgence in yogic exercises leads to inner peace, inner calm.


People indulged in yogic exercises and called it yoga meditation. Yoga meditation is the path that led one towards God Almighty. Invoking positive thoughts all the time one could maintain inner peace forever. The power of positive thinking had no limits. If we exercised power of positive thinking and forgiveness most of time… there was none in this world who could stop us from experiencing inner calm, inner peace.


Indulgence in yogic exercises is stimulating, acts as a catalyst for the body. Performing different Asanas of yoga human beings finally experienced intermittent stages of tranquility, inner calm.


Spirituality was the precept, yoga meditation path to reach God. As we were primarily a spiritual being, the ultimate goal of spirituality always was reaching true inner self… our soul atman, the spirit within. Path of spirituality always leads one to stage of tranquility, stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi forever.


Travelling path of yoga meditation, indulging in contemplation, path of logical reasoning I finally reached God in the wee hours of third of August 1993 at 37 years of age. This is my last manifestation on mother earth, 8.4 millionth manifestation. I am now in communion with God Almighty every second of life. Lying in shavasna pose of yoga when I indulged in path of self enquiry (Neti… not this, not this) I experienced stages of utter bliss, much higher form of inner peace, something that could never be expressed in words.


By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref 150913)

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