Mankind would shortly witness Advent of Kalki Avatar Savior Messiah of Present Era One Possessing almost similar Powers as Lord Krishna

Lord Brahma came to establish order in the society. He was banished for a period of 12 years (living in exile). This was primarily meant to awakening his kundalini shakti, the coiled Serpentine energy lying dormant in base of spine. Practice of absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation was necessitated for full awakening of kundalini shakti. As everything in field of spirituality was symbolic, the exile of Rama was for a definite cause. Even while practicing celibacy, Rama succeeded in eliminating Rakshasas (Demons) disturbing sages.


In Dwapar Yuga during period of extreme strife, tribulation… to re-establish Dharma (righteousness) advent Lord Krishna, an avatar of his era (God manifest in human form)! As ordained by God every 3500 to 5000 years advents an avatar to establish order in the society. The end of present Kali Yuga is not far. Mankind would shortly witness advent of Kalki avatar… savior messiah of present era, one possessing almost similar Powers as Lord Krishna.


When society reaches a point of no return, its lowest ebb… cleansing of the society was necessitated. For this a war of Mahabharata magnitude gets necessitated. In present times people would witness the expected world war 3, a man-made calamity (a war of gigantic proportions, Mahabharata of present times). 1200 million people are expected to perish. With so much deaths world over, life loses its meaning. To put the society back on its pedestal advent an avatar.


Mounted with power of Bhagavad Gita, Kalki avatar would finally succeed in re-establishing order in the society. The glare of material riches would take a back seat. People would become spiritual ushering present age into Satyuga, the golden period!


By: Vijay Kumar “Atma Jnani”… The Man who Realized God in 1993 – (Ref. 161021)

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