Kundalini Yoga

Full Kundalini Awakening announces One Becoming a Mahavira Gautama Buddha Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed in Real Life

Full kundalini awakening announces one becoming a Mahavira, Gautama Buddha… a Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed in real life. In absence of dross impurities within, one finally becomes a pure soul atman forever. The full kundalini awakening is realized practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation.   One whose kundalini awakens fully, on leaving mortal […]

Full Activation of Kundalini means Reaching Stage of Enlightenment

Activation of kundalini 100% relates to field of spirituality, path of yoga meditation. Unless our goal of life was reaching God in present life… we must never indulge in activation of kundalini.   Indulging in path of spirituality means surrendering to God in totality! We need working like a trustee, caretaker for whom everything all the time belongs to God […]

For Full Activation of Sahasra Chakra Thousand Petalled Lotus existing in our Brain behind Forehead Full Awakening of Kundalini Shakti was Necessitated

For full activation of Sahasra chakra (thousand petalled Lotus) existing in our brain behind forehead… full awakening of kundalini shakti was necessitated. In absence of that stage of enlightenment could never be reached. For realizing full kundalini awakening… practice of absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation was necessitated.   Furthermore negation of karma to zero […]

Full Kundalini Awakening Stage of Enlightenment announces Cosmic Journey for Soul Atman finally coming to an End

The moment our kundalini awakens fully, Sahasra Pushpa (thousand petalled Lotus) existing in our brain behind forehead opens fully. One immediately becomes an enlightened one… a bodhi, a Jina forever.   Enlightenment is gained only after full awakening of kundalini shakti. Full awakening of kundalini shakti means a soul atman reaching stage of absolute purity. A pure soul atman in […]

Full Kundalini Awakening something that Occurs Mentally could Never be Reached via Path of Science

Walking path of science one could never reach inner confines of spirituality! Spirituality truly starts from the point where science ends. Science demands proofs that are not forthcoming in the field of pure spirituality. Kundalini awakening was a spiritual process… something that demands 100% absolute faith in God Almighty. Unless we believed in existence of God, world of souls atmans… […]

Full Awakening of Kundalini a byproduct of Indulgence in Spirituality Yoga Meditation

Indulging in yoga meditation to awaken kundalini fully is termed kundalini yoga. In spiritual terms… full awakening of kundalini was actually a byproduct of indulgence in spirituality, yoga meditation! Indulging in spirituality, yoga meditation… practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation when human beings succeed in full awakening of kundalini shakti… the cosmic journey of […]

Kundalini Awakening and Sexual Desires

Full kundalini awakening means subduing sexual desires in totality forever. The stage of full kundalini awakening is reached practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation. Not a single lapse was permitted. Sage Vishwamitra, a highly accomplished sage of his era on sighting a maiden woman taking bath in forlorn circumstances in deep dense jungles (forests) […]

Full Kundalini Awakening Experience Raising Kundalini

After kundalini awakening one reaches the same level that of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa or Maharishi Ramana. All started in search of cosmic truths of life early in age. After practicing absolute celibacy for a minimum period of 12 years in continuation all these enlightened ones finally freed self from cycle of birth and […]

Path of Kundalini Awakening was Irreversible

Kundalini awakening was never a one-sided precept. The path of kundalini awakening was irreversible. A bud having become a flower could never become a bud again. In field of spiritual awakening, kundalini awakening there was no concept like awakening of kundalini for once. Once we start travelling path of pure spirituality chances of returning to material fold of life were […]

Opening Chakras a Reality of Spiritual Life

Though I understand nothing of chakras but their opening was absolutely real. I can vouch for opening of chakras with 100% authority.   In my search for God six years of age I did not understand ABCD of religion or God. At that young age I did not know, there exists a word like spirituality in scriptures. Even after repeatedly […]